Tuesday, February 14, 2017

            I moved slowly through the house making my way towards the garage.  I open the garage door as slowly as I can try not to make the door squeak. As I make my way through the garage moving boxes around. I find the gas in a back corner behind boxes. As I start to make my back towards the door I start to pour the gas. Know I’m making my way through the house pouring the gas on everything in my path. I grab a match off the counter I light the match and throw it I sprint out of the house and just sit on the grass staring and watching.
            After half an hour the fire trucks start to arrive. One of the men came over and started to talk to me.
“Are you ok.” he said
‘Yes I’m fine.”           
“Ok what is going on here what happened?”                                                                                      “I don’t know I just woke up and smelt the smoke.”
As he was walking away the ambulance arrived. A paramedic ran up to me and started to check to see if I’m ok. After the paramedic said was ok a police officer took me to my grandparents’ house. This is where I lived for the next two years.
            After living with my grandparents for a few years my grandpa wants me out. He says that because I don’t want to get a job and help pay rent I can go live on the street. So I took the keys of the 1967 Chevy Impala and took off. I had no idea where I was going. I drove from Nevada to Ohio but during that drive I did side jobs so I build up some cash. Then when I got to Ohio money and got a job. After a while the police came to my door saying I was under arrest for suspicion of murder. So I get in his car and he takes me to the police station and put me in a cell. The next day they take me to the court house and there I was found guilty for murder.  I was sentenced to 15 year in prison.  So a cop the cop throws me in the back of his car and starts to drive.  As we pull up to the prison I get first look at one. Then I realize they sent me to the prison where all the murders go.
            The prison they sent me too is the worst one there is. The prison is call red wall the prison is like a modern Alcatraz but here no has ever escaped from the 20 years it’s been here.  There are guards and cameras in every corner. The guards are armed with a 40mm pistol with hollow point round, level 3 Kevlar body armor and a Taser. The guards in the tower are only there for anything on the outside of the walls. There is nothing within in the walls they need to worry about. The guards grabbed me and we walk to the little window and they gave me my prison uniform and told me to put it on.

            Once I put in the prison uniform they start to drag me to my cell. As I starts to pass by other cells I see people covered in tattoos, people hitting their heads agents the wall and people pointing at me like their threating me. As we reach my cell guards with shields run up to the door. As I look in to my cell I see a large man standing in front of the door. The guards pull out their Tasers. The one of the guards unlock and open the door as he opens it the man starts to charge at the guards but he was brought to by the Tasers and then the guards with shields jumped on top of him. Then one of the other guards throw me into the cell. The guards jumped up off of the man and ran out the door will the other guard shuts and locks it. Once I heard the doors lock I started to make my way toured the corner of the cell. As I reach my cell the man stands up staring at me.